Monday, November 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Celebration!

You are cordially invited to enjoy a splendid evening of giving thanks, sharing laughs, and being surrounded by those you hold most dear. We guarantee a stress-free, contention-free environment, with no elephants in the living room. For a demonstration of what this may look like, please view the video below.

We look forward to sharing this wondrous occasion with each of you.


The "Spokane" Wrights

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Tommy!!!

T- Totally fun to be around
O- Oldest cousin/grandson (on the Wright and Morrow side)
M- Mad skills on air guitar
M- morning person (or at least he used to be when he bit Uncle Rob's chest)
Y- Ya, he's pretty awesome!

Happy Birthday Tommy!  We love you!  Have a great birthday!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1st Day of School 2008

Well, I don't even know if anyone checks this or updates it anymore, but I thought I'd post the kids' 1st Day of School pictures.

Logan's 1st day of 2nd grade:

Hailey's 1st day of Preschool:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stephanie is trying to post for the first time!

Cammie says this is Owen's latest pose for pictures. At least it was in July :) He's adorable!
We were supposed to go to the water park, but it was raining all morning. When the rain stopped, Aunt Jenn filled up the cooler with warm water and the kids had a blast! Who needs a waterpark? Mr. Owen is hiding in this picture, but here are my three with cousin Owen down at Pike's PLace Market. We had lunch down on the pier and walked all through Pike's Place. After a little rest that afternoon, we went to the Mariners game that night and THEY WON!!! It was my kids' first MLB game. Very fun!
Here we are at the very first STARBUCKS! :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's up Wright Family?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Zoo

Is this Cammie's son or what?!?

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

See Logan's goose egg?

The weekend before last Rob & Jaynee came to town and we had so much fun with them! We hadn't seen them in a while and had really missed them. The kids had so much fun together. At one point Collin and Logan had a head on collision and bonked heads SO hard! They both ended up with huge goose eggs on their foreheads. Logan made Collin 4 AWESOME paper airplanes and Collin is still playing with them. We all went to the zoo and had a blast even though it was HOT! We deffinitely need to get together again soon. Check out more pictures on my blog.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I graduated from 1st grade!

Top: My Last day of 1st grade
Bottom: My first day of 1st grade

I really liked 1st grade, but I didn't like the math! My favorite part was when Mrs. Hogan would do science. When I moved to my new school, I met a lot of fun, new friends. Check out the video of me doing some sweet tricks on my mountain bike.