Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Tommy!!!

T- Totally fun to be around
O- Oldest cousin/grandson (on the Wright and Morrow side)
M- Mad skills on air guitar
M- morning person (or at least he used to be when he bit Uncle Rob's chest)
Y- Ya, he's pretty awesome!

Happy Birthday Tommy!  We love you!  Have a great birthday!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1st Day of School 2008

Well, I don't even know if anyone checks this or updates it anymore, but I thought I'd post the kids' 1st Day of School pictures.

Logan's 1st day of 2nd grade:

Hailey's 1st day of Preschool:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stephanie is trying to post for the first time!

Cammie says this is Owen's latest pose for pictures. At least it was in July :) He's adorable!
We were supposed to go to the water park, but it was raining all morning. When the rain stopped, Aunt Jenn filled up the cooler with warm water and the kids had a blast! Who needs a waterpark? Mr. Owen is hiding in this picture, but here are my three with cousin Owen down at Pike's PLace Market. We had lunch down on the pier and walked all through Pike's Place. After a little rest that afternoon, we went to the Mariners game that night and THEY WON!!! It was my kids' first MLB game. Very fun!
Here we are at the very first STARBUCKS! :)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's up Wright Family?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Zoo

Is this Cammie's son or what?!?

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."

See Logan's goose egg?

The weekend before last Rob & Jaynee came to town and we had so much fun with them! We hadn't seen them in a while and had really missed them. The kids had so much fun together. At one point Collin and Logan had a head on collision and bonked heads SO hard! They both ended up with huge goose eggs on their foreheads. Logan made Collin 4 AWESOME paper airplanes and Collin is still playing with them. We all went to the zoo and had a blast even though it was HOT! We deffinitely need to get together again soon. Check out more pictures on my blog.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I graduated from 1st grade!

Top: My Last day of 1st grade
Bottom: My first day of 1st grade

I really liked 1st grade, but I didn't like the math! My favorite part was when Mrs. Hogan would do science. When I moved to my new school, I met a lot of fun, new friends. Check out the video of me doing some sweet tricks on my mountain bike.

Monday, June 16, 2008


We went and saw "Kung Fu Panda" tonight for FHE... (you'd be surprised at how many deep and inspirational quotes there are in the movie!), and right when the Panda came on the screen, Hailey goes "Is that Kung?..... Or is it Fu?"

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good Eatin and Good Ridin in Hot & Sunny Sac

Nana and Papa went on a Harley ride today! And we bought some fresh fruit and vegetables at the Davis Farmer's Market. We also had a great lunch--Mexican American. We split a hot dog and fresh tamale with fresh squeezed lemonade. Check out the great produce and Papa's pushed up sleeves--Harley Style. Nana was a good sport to tag along.

Grocery List:
Whole Wheat Bread--turned out to be marginal compared to Great Harvest.
Real Fresh Eggs--Huevos frescos de una hacienda hispanica.
Turnips--great mixed into garlic mashed potatoes so the children don't know!
Beets--red vegetables are special!
Celery,Snap Peas and Tomatoes
Fresh Corn Tortillas made this morning--Butter & Garlic and Bean Garlic for Papa and Plain Corn for Nana. We are going to deep fry them and make tortilla chips then brew up some fresh Pico de Gallo. Mmmmmm.
Before you read the rest of this post please watch this video

Shortly before President Hinckley's passing and as the Committee Chair for the church's General Welfare Committee he spoke of the humanitarian efforts of 2007 and "expressed profound gratitude for the generosity of members and those not of our faith who have made this outreach possible. In behalf of the General Welfare Committee, we express our deep appreciation to the many individuals, families, quorums, and Relief Society and Young Women groups who are the good Samaritans of today."

"In 2007 the Church responded to major earthquakes in 5 countries, massive fires in 6 countries, hunger and famine in 18 countries, and flooding and severe storms in 34 countries. In total the Church and its members responded to 170 major events---nearly one every two days for the entire year. It was a busy year with many opportunities to serve" (And Who Is My Neighbor? Burton)

One of the great things about these humanitarian projects is that they have been broken down into fairly simple steps making it easy for almost anyone to participate. Shannon and I thought it would be a great idea to spend a small amount of time during our family get together this summer working on a family project.

The most urgent need right now for many of the flood and earthquake victims is to be provided with a simple hygiene kit which consists of 2 hand towels (not wash cloths or dish towels), 2 combs (with no handle), 2 bars of soap, 4 toothbrushes and 1 tube of toothpaste. The family activity would involve packaging them together and preparing them for shipment.

In the meantime, as a family we are going to be seeking donations of these items from the community. We have gone out and purchased items for a couple of these kits to put on display and are putting donation bins at Mieko's Fitness and Gold's Gym. We are also going to hit up a few dentists’ offices in the area for toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Our goal is to make 100 of these kits to send off. We are very open to any ideas that people have about how to collect as much of this as possible. We are also very open to anyone who would like to assist us in the actual collection. Our goal would be to bring the collected materials to the park where we meet for our gathering and have this as one of the activities.


Marky Mark

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mother Nature is going NUTS!

Not only are there earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods all over the world right now, but it snowed yesterday. And then tonight after dinner, the kids and I went outside to go for a bike ride... until we looked up at the sky and saw that is was PITCH BLACK! We could hear the faint sound of thunder many miles away. So, Hailey started crying, and Logan frantically closed the garage door and we ran inside to watch the storm unfold before our eyes. I don't think I've EVER heard such loud thunder in my life!!! It shook our house like 10 times! The lightning made the sky completely purple! Hailey was so scared! She asked to say a prayer about every 2 minutes. Hudson would jump and cry every time there was thunder, so he'd run to me crying, but then he'd want down right afterwards. We sat on the couch, cuddled up with warm blankies and sang songs.... specifically "My Favorite Things" from Sound of Music and "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam"! LOL Daddy finally got home from Young Men's when the storm was over... (Perfect timing Robbie), and the kids were soo happy to see that he got home safely. I love thunderstorms!

Collin's Birthday Party

Collin had his 5th birthday party on Monday. At first he only wanted to invite Owen but we talked him into inviting his other cousin Monica and his friend Mason too. We all met up at Jump Planet, which is about the coolest place around for kids. Collin remembered Josh and Tommy's birthday there last year and wanted to do it for his birthday this year. After that we came over to our house and did cake and presents. That night, after the kids went home, I asked Collin what his favorite present was and he said "everything". I can understand why he said that he got some really cool stuff. Owen got Collin a Home Depot tool box that actually talks and the pieces even move. Collin said, "Now I don't have to borrow daddy's tools anymore". I'm sure that makes Mark happy!

This is Collin with the tool box that Owen got him

Thank YOU Shannon!

Thanks for doing this Shannon and Stephanie - how did you get on here so fast! This is such a great idea - I hope the guys will add to it too or we'll have a "chicks" blog! I love the idea of the older children adding to it. They can tell us about what they are doing or about having the "chicken pox"! Love you all!

Shannon is awesome

I just want to say THANK YOU to Shannon for starting this blog! I hope we all will use it! IT's a great way to communicate and put pictures, recipes, everything! Love you all! steph

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Ok, I did it. I started a blog for the family. Here are the rules:
1)Blog as much as you can or want
2)Blog at least once a month
3)Encourage the older kids who can to blog