Saturday, June 14, 2008

Good Eatin and Good Ridin in Hot & Sunny Sac

Nana and Papa went on a Harley ride today! And we bought some fresh fruit and vegetables at the Davis Farmer's Market. We also had a great lunch--Mexican American. We split a hot dog and fresh tamale with fresh squeezed lemonade. Check out the great produce and Papa's pushed up sleeves--Harley Style. Nana was a good sport to tag along.

Grocery List:
Whole Wheat Bread--turned out to be marginal compared to Great Harvest.
Real Fresh Eggs--Huevos frescos de una hacienda hispanica.
Turnips--great mixed into garlic mashed potatoes so the children don't know!
Beets--red vegetables are special!
Celery,Snap Peas and Tomatoes
Fresh Corn Tortillas made this morning--Butter & Garlic and Bean Garlic for Papa and Plain Corn for Nana. We are going to deep fry them and make tortilla chips then brew up some fresh Pico de Gallo. Mmmmmm.


Shannon said...

Sounds like a fun day! Wish we were there to help you eat up some of that yummy food!
Love, Shannon

The Wright Stuff said...

Happy Father's Day! Looks like you guys had a blast! We need to get Bill one of those helmets that has the ponytail built into it. Joy, we need to get you some fake tattoos to put all over your arms! LOL