Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stephanie is trying to post for the first time!

Cammie says this is Owen's latest pose for pictures. At least it was in July :) He's adorable!
We were supposed to go to the water park, but it was raining all morning. When the rain stopped, Aunt Jenn filled up the cooler with warm water and the kids had a blast! Who needs a waterpark? Mr. Owen is hiding in this picture, but here are my three with cousin Owen down at Pike's PLace Market. We had lunch down on the pier and walked all through Pike's Place. After a little rest that afternoon, we went to the Mariners game that night and THEY WON!!! It was my kids' first MLB game. Very fun!
Here we are at the very first STARBUCKS! :)


Shannon said...

Awesome Steph! Looks like your guys had a fun summer. I'm sure that they are excited to get back to school though, and for Cassie to start! It seriously seems like yesterday when I met the Wrights and Tommy 3 and Joshy was 2! They were so cute... they still are.
love, Shannon

Kelly said...

Hi Cousins! I am so glad Stephanie shared your blog with me, I love to see your children growing up! My blog is if anyone wants to check it out! Miss you all! love, Kelly and family

Michelle said...

Hey, Steph. So glad Kelly found you, then found me. I'm new to the blogging thing, too, but stop and see us. For the rest of you Wrights, I'm a friend of Stephanie's from WSU in her Gentile days. (Had to put an end to those.) ;)