Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mother Nature is going NUTS!

Not only are there earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and floods all over the world right now, but it snowed yesterday. And then tonight after dinner, the kids and I went outside to go for a bike ride... until we looked up at the sky and saw that is was PITCH BLACK! We could hear the faint sound of thunder many miles away. So, Hailey started crying, and Logan frantically closed the garage door and we ran inside to watch the storm unfold before our eyes. I don't think I've EVER heard such loud thunder in my life!!! It shook our house like 10 times! The lightning made the sky completely purple! Hailey was so scared! She asked to say a prayer about every 2 minutes. Hudson would jump and cry every time there was thunder, so he'd run to me crying, but then he'd want down right afterwards. We sat on the couch, cuddled up with warm blankies and sang songs.... specifically "My Favorite Things" from Sound of Music and "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam"! LOL Daddy finally got home from Young Men's when the storm was over... (Perfect timing Robbie), and the kids were soo happy to see that he got home safely. I love thunderstorms!


Shannon said...

Holy cow! That is crazy. Is that a picture of lighting that you took?!? Was "a few of my favorite things" to make you feel better or the kids? :)

The Wright Stuff said...

LOL! Ok, you got it out of me, actually I was running around the house covering my ears and keeping my eyes closed, trying not to hear or see any part of the storm! The kids' singing really helped me calm down. And no, that pic isn't one that I took. The lightning was right above our house, so we were only able to see the whole sky light up around us.